INFO 202 Social Informatics
Falls 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, Spring 2012, 2013, 2014, and Summer 2015, 2016
I led a discussion section every week as an associate instructor from Fall 2011 to Spring 2014. Also, I was a co-instructor in Summer 2016.
INFO 502 Human-Centered Research Methods in Informatics
[Oct 2021] Received the best paper award from CSCW!
[Jul 2021] Honored to receive the IMLS National Leadership Grant for “AI & Co-design in public libraries: Empowering underserved youth to cultivate symbiotic relationships between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their communities.”
[Jul 2021] Our workshop proposal "Human-Machine Partnerships in the Future of Work" has been accepted to CSCW2021.
[June 2021] Our paper "Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining: Exploring Experiential Knowledge and Assets of Family Caregivers." has been accepted to CSCW2021.
[April 2021] Excited to be selected as a MCUAAAR/NIH Scientist.